Reproducció en peixos

Llistar Títols per Matèria "Reproducció en peixos"

S'han trobat 4 ítems

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out url icon Recercat Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
doc icon DUGiDocs 5 febrer 2016 Effects of parasitism on the condition and reproductive capacity of three commercially exploited fish species in the Mediterranean Sea Ferrer Maza, Dolors
out url icon Recercat Towards the implementation of ecosystem management: a multi-level assessment of a small scale Mediterranean multi-specific fishery Dimitriadis, Caterina
doc icon DUGiDocs 16 octubre 2015 Towards the implementation of ecosystem management: a multi-level assessment of a small scale Mediterranean multi-specific fishery Dimitriadis, Caterina

